Frances Pope

Specializations: Music (track descriptions, reviews, artist bios, etc.), festivals, museums and galleries, visual arts, digital art, literature, collectives, social sciences, press releases, charities

In a nutshell: Frances is a writer and translator who has worked freelance since 2018. Originally from the UK, she received her MA in translation studies from Concordia University in 2017 and lived in Montréal for five years before returning to Bristol. She combines her translation work – primarily for clients in Quebec – with writing and editing for music journalism platforms, including in her role as music editor and mentor for a charity supporting young people in the creative industries. Frances works mainly with Canadian French and translated into both Canadian and UK English. She has two published poetry
collections and runs a semi-regular spoken word night in Bristol.

Where you’ll find her when she’s not at her computer: Dancing to electronic music at a local club, reviewing an alternative rock show, taking a long walk in the park, lifting some weights, or seeing friends for a pint.

Education: an honours BA in French and linguistics from Sussex University (UK) and an MA in translation studies from Concordia University (Montréal)